So the Rowenarium hasn't been updated in a while, and I don't see it being updated any time soon. So how should do with all the new material in HoL? Are there any other sites people/docs people know of? Should we just start citing directly to in game items?
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Hello yall,
I am wondering about the status about the word "the", and its use in titles of articles. Personally, I believe it should be kept out titles, as it muddles them and makes is hard to sort articles alphabetically. This would for example mean renaming the article "The Sun-in-Splendour" to "Sun-in-Splendour". This is also the praxis on other sites like wikepdia. For example, the article for the White House is not named "The White House", but "White House", even though in context you would always say "The White House". The only articles that use "the" in the title are works that have "the" in their name, like "The Office".
What are your guy's opinion about it?
Just Updated
Ok so we all probably know that Book of Hours was released. I've already played a bit and implications and nuances towards lore are quite big. Just parts of the soul (Phost, Fet, etc.) and aspects like Rose.
I want to ask and posibly try to discus if the 'lore' gathered from there will be added to this wiki? If yes how and if no then will there be a new wiki for it?
So if the lore is to be incorporated will we just add it to already existing pages or will there be need for big reorganization? If the lore is too conflicting and/or it's volume is too big will new wiki be created? Like Cultist Simulator has Secet Histories. Will Book of Hours have its own wiki?
I'm just throwing this out there since I couldn't find anithing regarding this 'problem'.
I see this section very often for Hours and its 'interesting'.
I see there is a good amount of lore there, mixed with various other stuff, and with game Information (for example ascension victories).
By keeping the wiki on this more scholary level, and not game focused, I am not sure that this is a good section.
I would like to split this further with maybe "Lore" as a section, and "Other notes" as a seperate Section, with "Game Notes" as a sub header?
Not sure what the perfect seperation is, but I see a pretty easy and clear distinction for "Lore" and "Not-Lore" like proper other notes, recipes, to some extent, ascension info, etc.
Alternatively, rewriting sections to remove mentions of "player" and other extra-diegetic terms and info.
I would like to start with some changes
Ok so I've seen conection between The-mare-in-the-tree and other gods or entities here in wiki. I've decided to dig a bit deeper since it's referencing one I'm familiar with (Morana) with tradition I've seen happen a lot as a kid.
Anyway I've chanced upon a book by Michal Téra called "Perun: Bůh hromovládce" (rough translation: "Perun: Thunderer god" or "Perun: The thunder ruling god") it is depicting not only pagan god Perun. It is gathering information from lot of places such as indo-european traditions, archeological findings, old manuscripts and analogies from other religious systems.
Now to the conection of The-mare-in-the-tree to this book. 'She' is connected to Marzanna somebody already found that. Marzana is godes of Goddess of cold, frost, winter, death, and agriculture. She is mostly associated with seasonal rites based around death and rebirth of nature. She is asociated with Winter's death, rebirth and Dreams.
It concerns the "drowning of Marzanna," a large figure of a woman made from various rags and bits of clothing which is thrown into a river on the first day of the spring calendar. Along the way, she is dipped into every puddle and pond ... Very often she is burned along with herbs before being drowned and a twin custom is to decorate a pine tree with flowers and colored baubles to be carried through the village by the girls. There are of course many superstitions associated with the ceremony: you can't touch Marzanna once she's in the water, you can't look back at her, and if you fall on your way home you're in big trouble. One, or a combination of any of these can bring the usual dose of sickness and plague.
— Tom Galvin, "Drowning Your Sorrows in Spring", Warsaw Voice 13.544, March 28, 1999
This is from
More interesting from my side of things is found here:
Unfortunately it is writen in Czechish. I'll try and translate few things for you.
"Rolníci zase uctívali Cereru a obětovali jí obilná zrna.(...) Panství Lechitů vzniklo v krajině plné lesů a hájů, o kterých předci věřili, že je obývá Diana a že nad nimi uplatňuje svoji vládu, Cerera zas byla považována za matku a bohyni úrody, které ten kraj potřeboval dostatek, ty dvě bohyně zvali: Dianu v jejich jazyce Dzewanou a Cereru Marzanou a ty se těšily zvláštnímu kultu a všeobecné úctě."
"Cereru nazývali Marzanou a prosili ji o plodnost polí a stromů."
"Cereru, bohyni země a vynálezkyni obilí nazývali Marzana a byl jí v Hnězdně, jak o tom píše první polský kronikář a krakovský biskup Vincenc Kadłubek, zbudován nákladný chrám, kde k její oslavě obětovali desetinu všeho obilí po žních a prosili o bohatou úrodu na příští rok."
My translation:
"Pessants worshiped Cerēs (latin) and sacificed cereal grains (grains of wheat) to her.(...) Domain of Lechits arose in land full of forests and groves, about which ancestors belived, to be inhabited and ruled by Diana. Cerēs (latin) was bellived to be mother and goddes of harvest, of which the land needed enough. They called those two goddeses: Diana in their language Dzewana and Cerea in their language Marzana and those enjoyed strange/special cult and general respect."
"Cerea was called Marzana and they asked her for fertilyty of fields and trees"
"Cerea, godes of earth and inventor of grain was called Marzana and in Hnězdo, as is writen by first polish chronicler and royal bishiop Vincenc Kadłubek, was build expensive temple for her. Where to celebrate her was sacrificed 1/10 of all grain after harvest and they wished for good harvest next year."
Ok I'm sorry for so rough translation.
I want to ask you. Is she realy associated with The-mare-in-the-tree or other Hours, Twins ?maybe?. Since The-mare-in-the-tree's connection with Demeter we can connect her to her roman eqvivalnt Ceres and her we can connect with Marzana, So what does this mean. Is there anything relevant we can gather from their respective domains/rituals?
Drowning of Mrzana to end the winter is particular rite that is still preformed today. Maybe we could find some connection to Twins there
The Rending Mountains, The Lone and Level Sands, The Evening Isles
and Exile Locations are all missing. Also, should the new principles from BoH be given their own pages?
I just want to know what information should be included on the pages for each of the principles, as I want to provide more for the wiki where possible
I've seen several of the gods-from-stone being referred to as he/him or she/her despite there being absolutely no reference to these pronouns in-game. Personally, I find this unacceptable.
Furthermore, the dividing of the hours into binary genders, as a nonbinary person, really bothers me. Plus: pronouns doesn't always equal gender. I have a friend who uses she/her pronouns but would kill you if you referred to her as female.
I'm willing to take criticism on this, but I will shut down any conversation that are either transphobic or non-binaryphobic.
- Sincerely, Vermillion.