Secret Histories Wiki
'Even the Sunne can be divided, though it require the Forge of Dayes for its division.'
'Six Letter on Necessity'

The Intercalate, sometimes referred to as the Division of the Sun, is an event in 1582 that marked the death of the Sun-in-Splendour, the greatest of the Hours. The Forge of Days, who loved the Sun, was long prophesied to unite with him, but ended up killing him, likely to prevent them from committing the Crime of the Sky.


'Long ago, the Sisterhood of the Knot recounted, the Forge loved the Hour called the Sun-in-Splendour. The Red Grail long anticipated their union, and the Grail-priestesses prophesied it...'
'The Vinzant Inscriptions'

Since the Lithomachy, the Sun-in-Splendour was acknowledged as the ruler of the Mansus, also known as the House of the Sun, and his worship was widespread in several of the histories. The Forge of Days, another god-from-Light, was said to love him, and the priestesses of the Red Grail among the Sisterhood of the Knot prophesied their union, and “the Shaping that will come.” But other members of the Sisterhood expressed their reservation about this event, and indeed other prophecies warned not of the Sun’s union, but of his division.[1]

Responses to these divinations varied. Ennis Lazali of the Shadowless Empire was executed for prophesying the Division of the Sun, though among the Rending Mountains lies the Mausoleum of Wolves, a monument built awaiting fragments of the Sun for its funeral procession.[2][3]. And, despite their warning and lamentations, the Sisterhood still urged the Forge onwards in whatever fate they saw for it and the Sun.

The Division[]

'If the Forge could regret, it would regret the Intercalate...'
'The Forge of Days'

The exact reasons for the Forge dividing the Sun are not clear. Most sources agree that the Forge loved the Sun, and that the Crime of the Sky, the urge of immortals who have children together to consume their offspring and become Alukite, was a concern regarding their "union". Lazali however points to love, envy, thirst, and curiosity all being causes for the Sun’s death, which may be a hint at other Hours such as the Red Grail and the Vagabond having a role in causing the Intercalate.[4][5]. Whatever the motive, the Sun-in-Splendour was divided by the Forge of Days in her Malleary.


'The Sun will be divided such that it might not sire Children. Still its children shall be Four in number and its children shall be Seven in number and its children shall also be Numberless…”'
'Time of Divison'

The Sun-in-Splendour's death had various consequences:

  • It caused the creation of the Solar Hours: the Madrugad, the Meniscate, and the Sun-in-Rags from the fragmented Names of the Sun, as well as the Wolf Divided, the wound of the Sun personified as an Hour of agony and hatred.[6][7][8]
  • Additionally, the corpse of the Sun in Nowhere became the breeding grounds for Worms. The three Worm Wars that followed ravaged both the Mansus and the Wake, as the second saw Vienna and Europe be overrun in one History, while the impact of the third has yet to pass into the Histories at the time of Cultist Simulator.[9]
  • Finally, the loss of the Sun-in-Splendour is implied to have diminished the Mansus and the Wake in some way, leaving behind a power vacuum with no clear replacement. The Solar Hours that remain retain some elements of his power, but seem displaced and damaged, as is the case with the Sun-in-Rags, once the departing sunset now thrust into the role of noon.

The Second Dawn[]

'Sunrise is blood, and I foretell now that the Sun shall rise from blood, yet not the colour of the blood, nor the hour of Night.'
'Time of Divison'

Though the Sun-in-Splendour is now dead in Nowhere, many anticipate his eventual return. Amira Zahra prophesies that the Sun shall rise again after four great wars. It is implied that the Second Dawn will be heralded by the Pilgrimage of Seven who will follow the Watchman into the Glory, and that the four children of the Sun will be consumed in the process.[10][11] At the same time, the arrival of the Second Dawn and the Watchman's Pilgrimage seem related to the paradoxical Hour known as the Chandler.

In Book of Hours the Librarian may record a History in which the Second Dawn may finally be realized, though perhaps in unexpected ways...

  • Now – In Britain the New King labors to bring the Dawn. Perhaps he, or someone else, will succeed. In some Histories it may be written that the Second Dawn is nigh, the Sun restored, an Age of Light and Eternity to come. Perhaps in some Histories in particular, there might even be some mercy in this New Kingdom.
  • Never – Perhaps the Sun will never return. Perhaps the Sun’s return is undesirable, and more importantly, preventable. Histories may exist where the Second Dawn is not to be, where light fades and the end is assured, where Eternity’s demise is assured, eventually.
  • Last Stand – The Second Dawn requires fuel, and that fuel may be the Hours themselves. Histories may be written that require a war behind the world once more, until only one Hour remains, and it is this Hour that shall bring the Dawn at last.
  • Steel – If the Sun has failed, if no current Hour is fit to bring the Dawn… then perhaps new Hours must be born. There are Histories in which the Gods-from-steel arise, where the foundries and glassworks of England roar with light, and a new Dawn is forged by our own hands.
  • An Old Sun, Red and Low – Before the Sun-in-Splendour, there was another sun, kinder and gentler, which accepted our blood at dawn and protected us at night. Histories may be written where the Second Dawn heralds the return of not the Sun-in-Splendor but the old red sun, a sun that knows us and will remember us in song.
    • However, William Gore implies in his The Prophecies of Glory book that such Dawn is false, tainted and dangerous and can only be purified by a second Division of the Sun. Those who commit the knowledge of Serpents & Venoms to Skolekosophy claim that the first Sun will devour humans, if they find it and give it their blood again. But If humanity feeds it the blood of their enemies it might devour them.[12][13]

Other Notes[]

  • The Intercalate of the Secret Histories universe is dated to 1582 in correspondence to the real world Intercalate, the transition from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian calendar. That year coincidentally also included a total solar eclipse on June 20th.[14]
  • The Lighthouse of Alexandria appears to symbolize the union of Lantern and Forge through the Sun-in-Splendour and the Forge of Days, but was cursed by "other envious powers." Since then, such unions have all ended in disaster.
  • The War of the Roads is theorized to have been one of the causes for the Intercalate, as it concluded in 1580, just two years before the Sun’s death. As the Sovereigns of the Leashed Flame fought against the Sisterhood and the Church of the Unconquered Sun, it’s possible that the war strained the relationship between the Forge of Days and the Sun-in-Splendour as their servants battled.[15]
  • It is unclear what the four wars that precede the Second Dawn will be. They could have something to do with the World Wars, or perhaps the Worms Wars, or some other conflict currently unknown.

