Long are immortals, who, in contrast to the Names, haven't yet entered the Mansus properly, and are still living in the Wake.[1] The usual way of turning Long requires attuning yourself to a certain occult Principle with the power and the guidance of the corresponding Hour - one of several that have domain over the said principle.[2] There are seven steps in this process, which are known as the Seven Marks of Ascension.[3] The marks may differ between ascensions under the different principles and Hours, but the Seventh Mark almost always is the passing the Tricuspid Gate (but, as always, there are exceptions and it's possible for some to ascend without even being counted among the Know).
It is said that most (but not all) Long were human.[1] That could merely be a reminder that there are non-human sentient beings who ascended in their time – like Carapace Cross or Medusa. On the other hand, that could mean that animals (or maybe even inanimate objects) could attain immortality too.
Long occupy a relatively marginalized position in the hierarchy of the House. Since their ambitions to rise higher is often being considered a threat (not unreasonably) to the current rule of the Mansus, they are often hunted by the Names, Colonel’s servants[4][5], and even by the other Long, for varying reasons.[6][7][8] While not affected by aging and mundane diseases, the Long can still be killed (however difficult it is). As a result, to avoid annihilation, the Long are forced to live in hiding, and, ultimately, to either work their way into the Hours’ service, to become mortal again, or to exile themselves to the Noon island, where a spring touched by the Witness makes you forgotten.[9] [10]
Forge Long[]
All of them spoke the Callidate Invocation.
And all of them were rich.'
'The Irreproachable Traditions of the Society of the Noble Endeavour'
One of the more common paths of becoming Long, Forge-ascension involves "accustoming" your flesh to fire, scarring it to the point of becoming "hairless and imperishable"[11], and then passing the Tricuspid Gate (that last part being known as "the Conflagration of the Heart")[12]. The flames need to be hotter each time, requiring rare and expensive fuels to be employed in the process.[13] Due to this, a big portion of Forge-Long came from those who held significant power even in their mortality - from those who are rich and/or are of a noble origin.[14] That is reflected in their Long-state by a more direct kind of power they obtain - as matchless physical strength and as the "Shaping Strength" of the practices of the Forge.[15]
The Lady Afterwards, a tabletop RPG module set in the Secret Histories universe, further elaborates on the nature of Forge Long, also called Candescents. In addition to being hairless and possessing skin as smooth as marble, they have no pores or fingerprints, and are extremely difficult to harm, though they still feel pain. Their blood burns like molten copper and is used as an ingredient in orpiment-exultant, the ink used to record the Fourth History. They are, however, weak to the cold and open water, and often display a dangerous arrogance.
Grail Long[]
'The feast of the true birth'
One of the more common paths of becoming Long, Grail-ascension involves growing a new, perfect body inside your old one,[16] and then "giving birth" to it (destroying the old one) after passing the Tricuspid Gate (that last part being known as "The Feast of the True Birth")[17]. This process requires nutrition with the very deepest satisfactions of the Grail, that could be achieved only by consuming other humans, alive or dead.[18][19] The result is velvet-smooth body, with senses peak-heightened, and strong enough to endure all the Enticements and the Torments of the Grail.[20] It's also speculated in Grail-ascension a change of the gender is possible, since lady Tryphon, a Grail-Long, was known to be male in her mortal form.[19][21]
Lantern Long[]
'The Incursus'
While still being one of the more common ascension paths of becoming Long, Lantern-ascension is an important exception from the rules of Longhood. The Lantern-ascension requires brightening oneself's inner light.[22] The light thins the mortal body until it dissolves completely upon achieving the Seventh Mark and passing the Tricuspid Gate (that last part being known as "the Incursus").[23] Without a body, Lantern-Long never return to the Wake as other Long do, and reside in the Mansus (and because of that are considered to be minor Names by some).[1] They still can be summoned into the Wake like any spirit, however. In return, their position is the closest to the Glory and the Hours than any other type of Long's is. It is also implied that Lantern-Long are among the candidates for the the Watchman's Pilgrimage.[24]
The Lady Afterwards, a tabletop RPG module set in the Secret Histories universe, further elaborates on the nature of Lantern-Long, also called Fulgents, or the Company of Lights. They have a mastery over dreams and can make use of mirrors and light sources to interact with the physical world in a process called transinhabitation, alighting, or scrining. Despite their power and influence in the Mansus and the Bounds, they avoid the Wood, which they find confusing and full of creatures which seek to devour them.
Winter Long[]
'Until Winter'
The Winter-Long are different kind of exception from the established rules. While all other Long types "will not grow old"—they never die of old age—they are still susceptible to the violence and can be killed. In contrast, Winter-Long can't be killed, but they will die when their time comes. They have a date set for their ending, and until that date nothing can end them. That happens due to them already being dead (as a part of their ascension) and brought back from Nowhere. They do pass the Tricuspid Gate, but since their immortality is of another kind, that serves no purpose other than tribute to tradition.[1][25] Depending on whether their ascension occurred under the Sun-in-Rags or the Elegiast, they are called either "raggies" or "ghouls". [26]
It's said that most commonly Winter-Long ascend under the Sun-in-Rags, but details of such ascension are unknown.[2] In Cultist Simulator, a way to ascend under the Elegiast is to draw "the Palest Painting"—a commemoration of the dead Hours, a depiction of the lost colours of the world. That painting will then serve as a doorway to Nowhere, through which its author will descend, later to be taken from there by the Elegiast.[27][28]
It is unclear how exactly "indestructibility" of the Winter-Long manifests itself. It seems that victory in a direct confrontation, both in the Mansus and the Wake may appear as if Winter-Long have died.[29] Perhaps they really do, but are always able to return, and the door from Nowhere is always opened for them?
Knock Long[]
'The Arms of the Mother'
The Knock-Long are among the most mysterious and obscure of immortals. The information we have makes it hard to determine a "common" image of one (and even whether if there is such thing as "common" Knock-Long). The only known group of Knock-Long—the Hooded Princes—tied directly to the Mother of Ants (described as "children" of her, but possibly as a figure of speech[30]), and it's unclear whether other types exist. Similarly, the Knock-ascension we experience in Cultist Simulator: The Priest, is directly overseen by the Mother of Ants.[31] The ending of it implies that player character became something akin to a Hooded Prince, but several things suggest that they are not considered to be one.[32] First of all, the Priest ascends only in the Fifth History, while the Hooded Princes are explicitly extinct in it.[30][32] The second is that The Twin-Serpent Tantra provides an exact number of the Hooded Princes,[33] and, while it's never said that this number can't grow, it implies that they are a group of specific individuals, not just Knock-Long in general.
There is no information on the existence of Long dedicated to other Knock Hours. However, one of the Hooded Princes clearly doing the Horned-Axe's bidding in Exile may imply that they are actually dedicated to all, or, at least, several Knock-Hours, not just the Mother of Ants (but, again, he's a renegade Knock Long, so who knows...).[34]
The process of Knock ascension involves suffering seven ordeals and experience seven accompanying visions, each corresponding to a "lesser" Principle (since Knock is a "principle above all"), each leaving a scar:
- Lantern vision: the opening of the Peacock Door.
- Forge vision: the Flint in Nowhere.
- Edge vision: the slaying of the Seven-Coils.
- Winter vision: Chione at Abydos.
- Heart vision: the flaying of the Thunderskin.
- Grail vision: pale woman (one of the Ivories? The Red Grail herself?) drinks "well of the Priest's blood".
- Moth vision: Carapace Cross shearing their wings.
It's unclear whether those visions have any particular Knock significance, or are just important Principle-related episodes.
In the final ritual, all scars are opened, making the Priest a Door through which their congregation enters the Mansus. The Priest dies in the process, except for the Fifth History, where they acquire snake-like features, like long sharp teeth and peeling skin, implying they achieved Longhood.[32] Passing the Tricuspid Gate is never mentioned (but perhaps just omitted).
As with most things considering Knock-Long, it's unclear how common this method is. It's hinted that one of the Bureau's Hunters, Spencer Hobson, was attempting to perform similar ascension, but failed.[35] Similarly, church of St. Marzanna may be a trace of another failed attempt.[36]
Edge Long[]
'Candia Besieged, Venetocratic Crete, 1668'
The defining element of the Edge Longhood is the Corrivality—an endless struggle between the Edge Hours.[37] The Edge ascension does not require any specific doings or rituals, but rather entanglement in the Corrivality deep enough to be noticed (and vouched for) by the Edge Hours, and, finally, "locking" yourself into it, becoming an integral part the world's processes.[38][39] In order to do so, one needs a worthy adversary so, as a consequence, most (if not all) Edge Long ascend in pairs of two mortals struggling against each other, known as "Edge dyads".[40] Particular steps in that struggle may vary from case to case (even the Exile in their specific situation can ascend with different combinations of Defiance exercises), and it seems that the only necessary step is "choosing a side"—consecrating oneself to either the Colonel or the Lionsmith (unless, of course, one enters the service of the Wolf Divided and by default is opposed to everything).
It seems not to be important whether the halves of the dyad are consecrated to a different Hours or the same one (the Foe of Exile is hinted to be pro-Colonel, and that doesn't affect Exile's choicest in a slightest) - the scheming of the Edge Hours leaves plenty of place for enmity between their own followers.
The Horned-Axe tries to prevent ascension of new Edge dyads - due to them being "joined" by the Corrivality, while the Axe likes separation.[34]
Again, as with Knock victory, the passing of the Tricuspid Gate is never mentioned in Edge victories (but, again, perhaps just omitted).
Heart/Moth Long[]
What Heart and Moth Long are is much more unclear than other Principles. While Cultist Simulator: The Dancer allows both Heart and Moth victories, post-ascension status of the Dancer is unclear, specifically, because those victories require certain Keys to be employed (which is not the case for all other Longhoods, and required for Namehood pursuit only).[41] The process itself for both ascensions involves undergoing seven changes[42] under the guidance of the several Names of different Hours, with the Moth path being known as "the Old Form"[43], and the Heart path being known as "the New Form"[44].
Heart victory states passing the Tricuspid Gate.[45] In Book of Hours it's revealed that Heart Long are called duendrazons (from the spanish "duende" and "corazon", a gnome/goblin-like folkloric creature and heart, respectively). They exist in the high Mansus and cannot cease. They can enter the physical world as music and posses a willing or semi-willing mortal. In this state they can experience caesura, seemingly a means by which they can die, though some seem to want that. The host recieves the status and titles of the duendrazon as long as they are possesed.
Moth ascension is even more mysterious since it explicitly denies passing the Tricuspid Gate (perhaps it's Moth Long who "don't need to pass the Three-Valved Door"?[1]).[46] It is speculated that Moth-Long are akin to Lantern in terms that they are leaving the Wake entirely, becoming Carapace-like Wood-spirits.
In Book of Hours, there is a description of ascension as a Nectar-Long (or Moth-Long) under the Velvet. The new Long arouses the appetite of Kitling Ripe, the Velvet's Name, enough to become her quarry but not enough to be caught. The Velvet permits this game since it culls immortals careless enough to attract attention, and keeps Kitling happy. Another Nectar-Long is confirmed to exist in House of Light, although it is unknown which Hour she ascended under.
List of Long[]
- Lars Westergren: An explorer and murderer who recorded his expeditions to the Mansus and eventually became a Lantern-Long who abandoned his physical form. He is favoured by both the Colonel and the Meniscate, and can be encountered in the Apostle Entheate Legacy as an enemy Long.[47]
- Teresa Galmier/The Baldomerian: The author of the Locksmith’s Dream, who frequently spends time at the Lodge of the Sage-Knight. Her interest in the Pilgrimage, status as a Lantern-Long/Name, and lack of a shadow suggest she may be in the service of the Watchman. She is said to be something in the middle between a Name and Long.[48]
- Everett Lapidoth: An American fulgent and key character in The Lady Afterwards. He is the lover of fellow Long Audrey Leigh Howard, who became pregnant with twins that they believed died in childbirth. Upon discovering that one of the children survived, the two of them prepare to commit the Crime of the Sky.
- Poemander: Light-smith and Lantern-Long of Greek origin, Poemander is the author of books On What is Contained By Silver and On Imperfections. He was employed by Thirza Blake to add more mirrors in the Hall of Divisions in the Hush House. Poemander was known for his techniques of confining Mansus-Long to mirrors through "scrining", although Poemander prefered to call this process "steady-glint".
- Francis Welland: A Forge-Long with allegiance to the Lionsmith and the Forge of Days, a veteran of numerous wars and a member of the Society of the Noble Endeavour. He can be encountered in the Apostle Aestuant Legacy as an enemy Long, and also appears as a character in The Lady Afterwards.[49]
- Audrey Leigh Howard: A British candescent and key character in The Lady Afterwards. She fell in love with fellow Long Everett Lapidot and became pregnant with twins that they believed died in childbirth. Upon discovering that one of the children survived, the two of them prepare to commit the Crime of the Sky.
- Hokobald of Pocsind: A disgraced ex-member of the House of Lethe, an alchemist, and presumably an alukite.[50] Reputedly, the illegitimate son of a forgotten king.[51]
- Sovereigns of the Leashed Flame: A score or more of English Long who in one History brokered peace with the Forge of Days and gave their nation an incredible amount of power. The royals of England became known as the Sovereigns of the Leashed Flame, and the group’s conquest of Europe was opposed by the Sisterhood of the Knot and the Church of the Unconquered Sun during the War of the Roads. Eventually their relationship with the Forge deteriorated, and the greatest among them were consumed.[52]
- Society of the Noble Endeavour: An organization which drew inspiration from the Leashed Flame and sought to “refine” themselves into higher beings through arcane conflagration. Most became ash, but those who succeeded in their ascension were all among the Know, spoke a great secret of the Forge, and were very rich.[53] A number of their members, both mortal and immortal, appear in the Lady Afterwards.
- Twrog of Meirionnydd, aka St Twrog visited the Hush House under a variety of other names, often in search of some sort of fight. He is the author of unfinished book Sunrise Awakenings. He was probably imprisoned in Cucurbit Prison within Hush House along with his Long-Rival, and their cudgels retrieved from Gladywn Lake and returned to the cell's occupants as a reward for good behaviour. It is speculated that Musgrave Dewulf, the fourth Baron of Brancrug, died in a secret duel with a 'Welsh visitor', possibly Twrog of Meirionnydd using pistols.
- Julian Coseley: A 17th century practitioner of the invisible sciences, a Winter-Long with no clear master, an Obliviate, and a Worm. He stands opposed to the creation of new Names, and like the rest of the Obliviates, seems to loathe the current power-politics of the Mansus. His writings and influence on the invisible world can be encountered in various parts of Cultist Simulator,[54][55] and he may make an appearance as an enemy Long in any of the Apostle Legacies.[56] Called a “Worm of Worms” by his former colleague Hersault.[57]
- Burzghash: An author of The Silver Book, who abandoned the service of the Elegiast to join the Ordo Limiae. Travelled from a “city of messenger eagles” (of unclear geographical origin).[58]
- -
- Lady Tryphon: A Grail-Long venerated as a Saint by the Sisterhood of the Knot, and who before her ascension was male. She is loved by the Red Grail as well as the Flowermaker, and can be encountered as an enemy Long in the Apostle Obsonate Legacy.[59]
- -
- Great Hooded Princes: A group of Knock-Long who passed through the Spider's Door, also known as the Serpent Gate, sacred to the Mother of Ants. They are also called naga and are some sort of “serpent-folk”. After fleeing the Fifth History and their home, likely Mesopotamia, they went on to conquer the Land of the River, India. Sulochana Amavasya is the daughter of one of the Princes.[60]
- Arun Peel: One of the Great Hooded Princes, who abandoned his lineage’s dedication to Knock for the Thunderskin’s teachings. He supposedly flayed himself and used his blood to write The Flayed Tantra, which—along with the employment of the Geminate Invocation—helped protect him from the retribution of his brothers.[61]
- Jekadu: The author of A Manual for Departure, was allegedly one of the original Hooded Princes. He recounts the process by which the Princes had to flee the Fifth History, and laments that the Princes had neglected to record some things before their escape. He seems slightly arrogant.[62]
- The Nazarene Messiah: By some accounts, was a Knock-Long, ascended in the name of the Mother of Ants.[63]
- Black Elie: A former matriarch of the Sisterhood of the Knot and ex-member of the Obliviates.
Unknown principle ascension:
- All members of the Ligeia Club: Sulochana, Echidna, Marinette, Klêidouchos, Medusa, Morgen, Rowena.
- Members of the House of Lethe, Ordo Limiae, and the Obliviates: Para, Iyavogos, Mek, Matthias, Ibn Al-Adim, the Barrowchild, Kurenai, Melerai Yivni, Lagun and one C.R.O.D.
- Ferninshun of Oreol: A traveller of the late Phoenician era and presumed discoverer of the Noon Island.[64]
- Dr Ibn Al-Adim: “The Aleppine”, namesake of Aleppine historian who lived in the 13th century, notably misses the "Mortal" aspect in Cultist Simulator.[65] He is known to be associated with all but one of the libraries of the Watchman's Tree. He was even Secretary Nunciant of Hush House for a little while, but he has never been on good terms with the Suppression Bureau. Dr Ibn Al-Adim is patronised by the Vagabond.
- Donkerling: An imprisoned Long under the protection of 'the deepest power of the Sea'. Donkerling exists as a living shadow in Hush House's Stair Tenebrous.
'Longs are immortals who live in the world. Most, but not all, are former humans. There is a finite number of Long. Passing the Three-Valved Door in the appropriate mode makes you Long. Names often hunt the Long, many of whom have taken refuge at Port Noon, where a spring touched by [text is missing] makes you forgotten.
Three important exceptions. First, the Long patronised by the Watchman (and perhaps by other Hours) live in the House rather than World - their body is gone. Some authorities consider them minor Names rather than Long. No taxonomies are perfect.
Second. Being a Winter-long is more like a fixed-rate mortgage than a variable-rate mortgage: that is to say, the Winter-long have made and arrangement that defers their end, but they've also fixed the date of that end. (Technically, they've already ended, because [text is missing] back up from death into the House). They do need to pass the Three-valved Door, but that's arguably ceremonial.
Third, [text is missing] don't need to pass the Three-Valved Door, [text is missing].'[1]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Inquisitions for the Demiurge, Discord Follower Count Lore Snippets (full transcript right above)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 AMA
"Multiple Hours can oversee an ascension." - ↑ The Nine-Year Vision: "There are always seven Marks"—seven marks of Lantern, Grail and Forge, seven Forms of Change, seven Lock-Scars, seven exercises of Defiance, and the seven Pentiments
- ↑ The Victory of Crowns, Study the 'Victory of Crowns', by 'Arun'
- ↑ Read this volume of the Orchid Transfigurations
- ↑ An Immortal Enemy
- ↑ J.C.
- ↑ Captain Welland
- ↑ Port Noon
- ↑ The Last City, Noon
- ↑ Ascension: Power 3, Ascension: Power 4, Ascension: Power 5, Ascension: Power 6
- ↑ The Seventh Mark?, The Conflagration of the Heart
- ↑ The Shaping Heat
- ↑ Read 'The Irreproachable Traditions of the Society of the Noble Endeavour'
- ↑ The conflagration of the heart
- ↑ Ascension: Sensation 3, Ascension: Sensation 4, Ascension: Sensation 5, Ascension: Sensation 6
- ↑ The Seventh Mark?, The Feast of the True Birth
- ↑ The Red Need
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Read 'The Rose of Nuriel'
- ↑ The feast of the true birth
- ↑ Lady Tryphon
- ↑ Ascension: Enlightenment 3, Ascension: Enlightenment 4, Ascension: Enlightenment 5, Ascension: Enlightenment 6
- ↑ The Seventh Mark?, The Incursus
- ↑ The Incursus, THE INCURSUS (with risen)
- ↑ The Elegiast's Price
- ↑ Naenian Sketches
- ↑ Show Miss Naenia the Palest Painting, Enter the Painted Door, Death is Down, From Whom Nothing More Can Be Taken, NOWHERE
- ↑ Until Winter
- ↑ The Long is dead!, The Long is vanquished!
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 Read 'On the Matter and the Deeds of Serpents'
- ↑ Priest
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 32.2 The Arms of the Mother
- ↑ Read 'The Twin-Serpent Tantra'
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 At the Fane of Owls
- ↑ Spencer Hobson, Spencer, a disciple
Mentions of the priesthood, St Agnes, and the scar above his heart (mirroring the Heart Scar of the Priest) - ↑ Church of St Marzanna the White
Where We Go
With Marzanna likely being the Mare, it's possible that her influence in that church is due to her entering another unlucky priest. - ↑ The Corrivality (1)
- ↑ The Corrivality (2), The Corrivality (4), The Corrivality (7)
- ↑ An Immortal Enmity?
An Immortal Enmity (Colonel)
An Immortal Enmity (Lionsmith)
An Immortal Enmity (Wolf) - ↑ Eternal Enmity (Lionsmith)
Eternal Enmity (Colonel)
Eternal Enmity (Wolf)
- ↑ The Door in the Wood
The Kingskin Gate - ↑ Temptation: Change, Change: Leaf, Change: Pearl, Change: Antumbra, Change: Stigma, Change: Pupil, Change: Ivory
- ↑ Old Form, On the Old Form
- ↑ The New Form, On the New Form
- ↑ The Concursum Diaries, Our Enemy's Identity, #diarist_unknown
- ↑ Summon the mysterious Name known as the Baldomerian
Ask Teresa about the Dream of the Key '...but as Lantern-long, I owe courtesy to your mentor...'
The Lodge of the Sage Knight - ↑ Captain Welland, Our Enemy's Identity, #welland_unknown
- ↑ Read 'My Deeds, My Powers, My Achievements and the Injustices Perpetrated Against Me'
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Study a censored edition of 'The War of the Roads, 1450-1580'
- ↑ Read 'The Irreproachable Traditions of the Society of the Noble Endeavour'
- ↑ The Six Letters on Necessity
- ↑ The White Library
- ↑ J.C., Our Enemy's Identity, #julian_unknown section
- ↑ Study Hersault's 'Introduction to Histories'
- ↑ The Silver Book
- ↑ Read 'The Rose of Nuriel', Our Enemy's Identity, #tryphon_unknown
- ↑ Read 'The Encircling Tantra', A Manual for Departure
- ↑ Read 'The Flayed Tantra'
- ↑ A Manual for Departure, Read 'A Manual for Departure'
- ↑ The Gospel of Zacchaeus, Read 'The Gospel of Zacchaeus'
- ↑ The Voyages of Ferninshun of Oreol, Read 'The Voyages of Ferninshun of Oreol'
- ↑ Dr Ibn al-Adim, Ibn al-Adim (wikipedia)