Those are sources of the information directly related to the Secret History universe. This is where most of the info on this Wiki comes form, and most of the info you add on the Wiki should be backed by one, some or all of those resources.
- Frangiclave Compendium (or its mirror that has a bit more info) or Cultist Simulator Wiki for in-game materials. Please note that some of the game texts were able to escape the archivation still, and thus are found only in the game files. Some of the hidden info can be found in On the Old Forms and the New, The Gospel of Zacchaeus and On the White, a compilations for all texts from Dancer, Priest and Ghoul.
- Rowenarium for Book of Hours in-game content.
- Enigma of Glory, On the Smoky Satisfaction of the Mumu Boarts and The Lost Histories for texts from Enigma, Secret Histories-related ARG.
- Weather Factory website and Twitter for promotional materials which may contain occasional lore snippets.
- Inquisitions for the Demiurge and The Ecdysiast’s Riddle for AMA answers from the Weather Factory. Please note that "Inquisitions" contain unsearchable section with compilation of informative images (at the end of the doc).
- Morland’s Bookshop for many other compilations, researches and essays made by the community. Big portion of this wiki comes from Morland's texts, usually in slightly altered state, so it may be beneficial to explore them first-hand. Among them:
Community Works[]
- The Book of Suns, a detailed compilation of various information regarding the Hours of the Secret Histories Universe, their origins, conflicts, and connections.
- The Wars and Organizations of Occult History, a detailed compilation of the occult societies and their conflicts, with sources.
- The Ligeians and the Keys, the lore of the Ligeians and the keys they hold.
- On the matter of the Origins of the Black-Flax, a theory on the creation of the Velvet that claims that she is the resurrection of the remaining fragments of the Wheel.
- Alchemy - the Operations of the Forge, a piece on the Forge ingredients and tools and their connection to alchemy.
- The Enactments of the Hours, a collection of the “triune formulae” for each of the Hours.
- The Silver Book, a quick-and-dirty guide to the gendering of Hours for all your shipping needs, with sources.
- When the Sun Might be Mistaken for the Moon, an analysis of the connection between alchemy and the Gods-from-Stone.