Secret Histories Wiki

'In the Mansus, the Hours strive one against another. As the struggles are resolved, they iron out the impossible, exalt the possible, tie the fraying braids of what has been into one golden ribbon of future. Everything is resolved. History becomes the past. There are, however, exceptions.'
'Unresolved Ambiguity'

Secret Histories is one of the Principles of the invisible arts. Unlike the other Principles, the Secret Histories do not have a clear presence in the Mansus, and are instead focused on the Wake and its multiple pasts.


'Secret histories are layered beneath the one we know, like the notes in rare wine.'
'An Occult Scrap'

In the broadest sense, the Secret Histories appear to function roughly as alternate timelines, which are debated and decided on by the Hours. Details regarding their nature and function is never made clear though, and the information about them often can seem vague or contradictory. Some knowledge about the Secret Histories include the following:

  • There are currently five major Histories, with thousands of "demi-real" branches that exist.[1] It is implied by Echidna the Ligeian that there may be two missing Histories as well, though this claim is never explained or elaborated on.[2]
  • There are events that have occurred "too recently" to have passed into the Histories,[3] and there is a singular future that they all lead to. This leaves some ambiguity though as to whether the "present" is a part of a specific History, with some evidence for and against this idea.
  • It is possible to interact with the various Histories in the present. Many texts in Cultist Simulator describe locations or events from a specific History, which the player can then travel to for knowledge or items.
    • There are also instances of "travel" between Histories, most notably by the Great Hooded Princes who fled their destruction in the Fifth History, and the player character in the Priest Legacy of Cultist Simulator.[4][5][6]
  • While there are many points of discrepancy between each of the Histories, there are some notable locations that are largely consistent, with the same name in every History. In the Apostle Aestuant Legacy, these locations are said to be where the Histories align, and as a result are "flaws" in the world's skin which might be exploited to significantly impact every History.[9]
    • One is Caer Ys, a legendary city of Breton that was drowned. However, by the 1920s, it could be found near the British coast (albeit with some difficulty) as the village of Kerisham.[10]
    • Another is Vienna, which adepts also call the White City. It was here that the devastation of the Worm Wars was most apparent, and where the Ligeian Kleidouchos often resides.[11]
    • A much smaller instance is Treowen, a manorhouse on the borderlands between Wales and England that is home to the Wheelocks. It has been used at least once as the Roost of the Aviform Hours, and is the location for the Locksmith's Dream, a set of special live events taking place in late 2022.[12][13]
  • Each of the Histories is associated with a special ink known as an encaustum terminale, which can be used to curate the Histories and draw the attention of the Hours, though the inks cannot change the past and have no power themselves.[14]
    • While the Hours do not take direction on how to construct the Histories, they may be advised by select individuals using these inks. A letter from the Librarian further details this process, where the elements of proto-History, known as Material, may be curated and determined under special circumstances and with special tools to gain the attention of certain Hours who may value a worthy Librarian's opinion.[14]

The Five Histories[]

'Hersault identifies Blood, Silver, Design and the Worms as the central axes of each of the Histories, and claims that the so-called Second History is the true one.'
'Hersault's Introduction to the Histories'

The Hours have woven the events of the past primarily into Five Histories. The occult scholar Hersault wrote that the axes these Histories are built around are Blood, Silver, Design, and Worms, though exactly what this means is unclear.[15]

While there are many overlapping events in the Secret Histories, some of the notable divergences in each History include the following:

The First History:

  • The First History is most notable as the History in which the Lionsmith was born as a subject of the Shadowless Empire who journeyed west to train under the Colonel. During Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia, King Darius revealed a secret to both the Lionsmith and Alexander at Issus. The former ascended to challenge his former teacher, while Alexander turned his armies back.[16][17]
  • The Shadowless Kings would extend their reign into the fifth century in this History, taking Byzantium under their wing after the fall of Rome, and eventually embarking on an ill-fated invasion of India, where they came into conflict with the Great Hooded Princes. What happened to the Empire after this event is unknown, though one author claims that it persisted in some form.[18]
  • The encaustum terminale of the First History is Uzult, whose aspects are Lantern, Moth, and Sky, and this History was first recorded by the Unwise Mortal using this ink. Uzult is the yellow-gold of Lantern, and amber is one of its ingredients. Small shrines to the ink could be found occasionally in churches of the Unconquered Sun.[19]

The Second History:

  • Details regarding the Second History are unknown, though Hersault states that it is the "true" History.[15] This may imply that if the events of Cultist Simulator do occur in a specific History, it is the Second, or that it is the History that most closely follows the real world.
  • Porphyrine, whose aspects are Knock, Rose, and Moon, is the encaustum terminale of the Second History, and is the glowing crimson-mauve of the Principle of Secret Histories. [20]

The Third History:

  • The Third History is one of two Histories in which the Church of the Unconquered Sun rose to particular prominence. However, their order did not survive the Intercalate.[21]
  • The Third History is significant as the one in which the Worms overran Vienna and the rest of Europe during the Second Worm War.[3][22] Arun Peel also describes the Great Writhing in 1776 Paris, with some Long taking refuge with King Louis XIV in Versailles, where an extravagant masque was held for a month while the French army guarded the court.[23]
  • The Temple of the Seven-Coils, found in the Lone and Level Sands, was originally in the Third History, though now it exists in all of them.[22]
  • Nillycant, the ink associated with the Third History, has aspects of Edge, Winter, and Scale and is the bleak white-blue of Winter. It has somehow resulted in the Worms being worshipped by some as semi-divine beings, called upon to celebrate difficult funerals.[24]

The Fourth History:

The Fifth History:

  • The Fifth History is the one which the Great Hooded Princes fled, escaping to another where they survived, and doubling their numbers from fifty-four to one hundred and eight.[4]
  • This is also the singular History in which the player in the Priest Legacy takes a new form akin to the Hooded Princes, while in the rest of the Histories they are opened to become a door for their congregation to enter the Mansus.[6]
  • The Fifth History's encaustum terminale is Marakat, whose aspects are Grail, Knock, and Nectar. Its color is that of the predecessor Principle to Heart, indicated to be some sort of pale blue-green. Worship of Marakat is suppressed in the Fifth History itself, though some still venerate it.[26]

Hours and Other Entities[]

'The Vagabond is the one Hour who can never enter the Mansus, but she goes everywhere else... and, if you believe her boasts, she's the only one who knows all the Histories. Sometimes, she lets someone record her travels.'
'Vagabond's Map'

  • The Vagabond: The only Hour known to possess Secret Histories as an aspect, the Vagabond has explored all nine continents, places forbidden to other Hours, Nowhere, the Wood, and even the Mansus despite her disbarment from it.[27] A wandering Hour of journeys and stories, she claims to be the only being to know all the Histories.[28]
  • Teresa Galmier/The Baldomerian: A Lantern-Long/Name who can often be found at the Lodge of the Sage Knight. Teresa was originally an occult writer and maintains a fascination with secrets. She is the only spirit in Cultist Simulator that can be summoned with Secret Histories as an aspect.[29]

Other Notes[]

  • There is some debate if Secret Histories should be considered a true Principle like the others, an ambiguity that the writer has acknowledged is intentional. Some sources seem to exclude it, while others acknowledge it. It is also uncertain if it fits neatly into the Apollonian/Dionysian dichotomy that exists for the rest of the Principles, though it is used in Cultist Simulator to upgrade Reason like the Apollonian aspects.[30]
  • The Secret Histories cult being named the Society of St. Hydra, as well as other hints about the Histories such as Echidna's comments regarding "suckling serpents" and the escape of the Great Hooded Princes suggest a connection between the Principle and the Seven-Coils.
  • It may be that the Histories represent alternate interpretations of events and their outcomes, with the implication that the "truth" can be subjective depending on who is in control of the narrative.
  • Win conditions of Book of Hours involve influencing the Histories and how the Hours weave them.[14] On that game's Tree of Wisdoms map, a line indicating that Horomachistry, Birdsong, and Preservation share the Secret Histories aspect has been effaced and labeled with a Suppression Bureau stamp. In the game's mechanics the Secret Histories aspect has been replaced by five new aspects: Rose, Nectar, Scale, Moon, and Sky. Whether and how these connect to the five Histories and their "axes" of Design, Silver, Worms and Blood is not specified, but the Encaustra Terminale of the five histories contain: 1,4) Sky, 2) Moon and Rose 3) Scale and 5) Nectar which may line up with these four axes. A speculation to be made is that Nectar is Blood (it's clearly stated in the game), Scale is Worms (Worms of a Scale), Sky is Design (considering its overall affiliation with order and harmony) and Moon is Silver (Silver is the metal of mirrors; it's sacred to the Meniscate). And the Rose which encompasseth all. Such a decision of giving up Secret Histories for new principles can be as simple as that the Librarian sees them as a complex structure of different powers, instead of just a plain brick of old knowledge.
  • In a development blog post for Book of Hours, an additional ink was presented alongside the encaustum terminale of the Five Histories, Perinculate, as part of promotional material. The presence of this previously unknown ink was specifically drawn attention to, though what its relevance or association to the Secret Histories might be is unknown apart from it being some sort of forbidden ink. [31]

