The Snow is one of several obscure Hours about which little information is currently known. Extremely vague references to them seem to exist currently in Cultist Simulator, alongside Blackbone and the Giribrago, which implies that these three Hours have been "cast down", and information about them seems to have been suppressed. Another development document for Book of Hours however mentions a censored Hour tied to endings and stasis, which is likely Snow.[1] They likely have Winter as an aspect, both because of the name and some hints at their nature.
- Chione: A mysterious spirit known for her nine years in Abydos, where she turned the city into “a place of slow death, frosty ecstasy and silent beauty”, before conspirators break the silence and let in a scarred man (the Colonel?) to drag Chione out and allow Summer to return. While it was once assumed that Chione was tied to the Madrugad in some way, the Weather Factory Catalog has confirmed her association with Snow. Her name literally translates in Greek to “snow”, and the themes of winter, death, and silence all align with other existing information about Snow.[2][3][4]
Real-World References[]
- Chione is the name of several figures from Greek mythology. In some stories she is the consort or daughter of Boreas, the North Wind, and in another she is turned into a cloud which casts snow upon a desert.
- Traditionally, the Fool is considered both the 0th and the 22nd card of the Tarot, though with so little information on Snow and no indication that that connection exists in the Secret Histories universe, such an association is unlikely to be real.
Other Notes[]
- Snow and the other obscure Hours are hinted at in the Priest Legacy, when preaching about the aspect of Heart, as “those who were cast down, wave or wound or snow”. For a time it was also postulated that this could simply be a reference to the dead gods-from-stone, who can similarly be tied to these symbols, but the official reveal of Giribrago and his alternate title as "the Wound" appears to clarify this issue.[5]
- It is particularly difficult to identify potential references to Snow elsewhere, since in general the aspect of Winter and its Hours all frequently use themes and symbols tied to endings and snow.
- The image on the Snow's WF Catalogue page[6] is from the Wikipedia page for Sestos, an ancient Thracian city opposite to Abydos (the Mysian one).[7]
Theories and Questions[]
- One speculation about Snow and the other leaked Hours is that they might have been existing Hours which were “displaced” by the Intercalate, which created the Solar Hours and the Wolf-Divided and pushed them into their current odd position outside the “standard” Tarot but within the 24 Hour day.