Secret Histories Wiki

'Three natures
hath the Wolf Divided;
he unmaketh;
he unmaketh;
at the last, he unmaketh'

The Wolf Divided is the youngest Hour, born as the wound of the Sun in the Intercalate. His domain is agony, hatred, and destruction. The Wolf desires for all of reality to end, so that he may finally consume himself and end his own painful existence.[2][3] His aspects are Edge[4] and Winter[3].[5] His hour is 4 p.m.


  • The Second Dawn: It is prophesied that one day the Sun-in-Splendour will return, and it is implied that the children of the Sun, including the Wolf Divided, will be consumed in the process.[6]


  • Coelle: A flower-girl whose corpse washed up on the shores of Port Noon after she drowned herself. She is a Name of the Wolf, likely due to being consumed by despair and “unmaking” herself.[8]
  • Wolf-Splinters: Prowling spirits of grey malice, who are lesser Name-emanations of the Wolf Divided.[9][10]
  • Striges: Also called Many-Winged Ones, Striges are Edge Names who gather around fallen warriors, who they honor by consuming their flesh and bringing their souls to the Hours of the Corrivality. They are implied to serve all the Hours of the Corrivality, which would include the Wolf Divided.[11][12]


Real-World References[]

  • The Wolf Divided takes the place of the Tower in the Tarot of the Hours. The Tower can represent catastrophe, tragedy, and adversity. It often implies great tragedy or at the very least great upheaval in a person’s life.
    • The Tower Tarot number corresponds to the Hebrew letter Peh/Pe, which means "mouth".[14] In French Tarot the Tower corresponds to the Hebrew letter Ayin, which (among other things) means "eye".[15] There are numerous eyes and mouths on the background of the Wolf Divided Tarot depiction.[16]
  • The Wolf Divided has many similarities to the wolves/wargs of Norse mythology, specifically Fenrir, who is destined to break free of his imprisonment to kill the king of the gods Odin, as well as his sons Skoll (Treachery/Mockery) and Hati (Enemy/He Who Hates), the wolves that chase the Sun and Moon and will eventually consume them, all events prophesied to occur at Ragnarok, the end of the world.[17]
  • A strix in mythology is a bird of ill omen that feasts on human flesh. In Cultist Sim their description also brings to mind the Valkyrie of Norse mythology, who guide those who die in battle to Valhalla.  
  • The Association of the Iron Wolf mentioned in Kaunus is named after another legendary wolf from Lithuania, which appeared in the dreams of a Grand Duke and inspired him to build the city of Vilnius. The group itself was a fascist organization which cooperated with the Nazis during their occupation of Lithuania.[18]

Other Notes[]

  • The Wolf is the youngest known Hour, born from the Intercalate at the end of the 16th century. The Solar Hours did ascend to the Hourhood at the same time, but they existed long before.[13]
  • Even before the Intercalate, the Sun-in-Splendour was tied to wolves. The Mausoleum of Wolves was built in anticipation of the Sun’s division and its funeral procession. Chateau Raveline’s inhabitants claimed descendance from “the first Sun-King,” and could take on the shape of wolves (though it is uncertain if this specific relation existed before the Intercalate). A memory of the Sun-in-Splendour before its death is also found in Keglin’s Scratch, from the corpse of a woman whose skull has become that of a wolf.[19][20][21][22]
  • The Wolf Divided has a role to play in the Exile legacy, where the player can ascend under them as an Edge Dyad with their Foe. His path in particular involves causing great suffering and destruction.[23]
  • The Wolf also appears in the Moth path of the Change ascension, as the player’s Sending takes the form of a wolf and travels to Port Noon to learn from Coelle the lesson “Bones, Surrendered”.[24][25]
  • The Season of Despair, and dread in general, seem to be tied to the Wolf.[26]
  • It is commonly associated with a scent which is neither tar nor blood nor ozone.[27]

Theories and Questions[]

  • It has been theorized that the Wolf Divided is an Edge Dyad with itself in the Corrivality, as it desires its own destruction, along with the destruction of all of existence.
  • The art of the Wolf Divided brings to mind in part an umbilical cord extending from the cloud around the Hour. Perhaps this is symbolic of how the Division of the Sun occurred to prevent the Sun-in-Splendour from having a child with the Forge of Days and becoming Alukite, or the Wolf himself being an "infant" Hour.

